• Sacred Journeys

    Open Heart Ventures Sacred Tours

    Andrew Foehner, Jihan “Gigi” Amer lead Spiritual Tours

    For more information: Open Heart Ventures, LLC

    Upcoming Tours:

    Open Heart Ventures organizes Spirtual Tours, Journies and Pligramages to lead one into the inner realms of heart and transform the Soul.

    Our current tours include:

    Solar Christ Sophia Pilgrimage

    An Initiatory Sequence into the Christ Consciousness,
    Divine Mother & Holy Grail Mysteries
    Occitania / Catalonia ~ Southern France / Northern Spain
    Montsegur / Montserrat ~ White Lady / Black Madonna
    Holy Spirit Initiations

    Sacred Egypt Journey

    An incredible sacred journey to the mystical lands of Egypt to experience the sacred wisdom of its living temples, access a deeper knowing, connection to Source, Higher Self & Divinity.

    Peru Sacred Journey

    Join us on this incredible journey to the sacred sites of the Peruvian Andes to learn from the esoteric teachings of Andean mysticism in the spiritual tradition of the Inca through gifted guides sharing teachings of the ancient mysteries, while navigating the inner / outer planes of existence in a tour group operated with absolute integrity, high vibrations, heart-centered awareness and professionalism.